On Thursday, May 12, the Brookings Institution will host a forum, Missed Opportunity: Transit and Jobs in Metropolitan America, to introduce a new report analyzing the ways in which transit systems link workers to jobs in metropolitan America. The report will be released alongside an interactive tool, based on Brookings’ extensive analysis of transit routes and schedules, demographic data and employment information from the nation's 100 largest metro regions. The report will include information revealing the extent and successfulness of transit in each of these metro areas in serving cities and suburbs and lower- and higher-income neighborhoods, as well as how effective transit is in helping workers in these communities reach jobs within their regions.
Brookings Senior Fellow Robert Puentes will give an overview of the study, followed by a panel of policymakers and practitioners to discuss the implications of its findings. Additionally, Vice President and Director of Metropolitan Policy Bruce Katz will moderate a dialogue on federal responses with U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.
To attend the event in-person visit the Brookings event webpage. If you are unable to attend, the materials will be available online after the event.
To learn more about family economic success or the importance of public transportation in supporting healthy communities visit Policy for Results.