The 50th
Anniversary of the March on Washington that took place last
Wednesday highlighted significant areas of progress, while also drawing
attention to the advancements that still need to be made. Although there are
many reasons to celebrate, including equal access to public accommodations,
laws against racial discrimination and employment and African American voting
rights as a result of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the
Voting Rights Act of 1965, the hard economic goals of the march that were
critical to transforming the life opportunities of African Americans have not
entirely been achieved.
In fact, there
are growing economic divides, and despite the important protections established
through the law, discrimination has taken new forms. Fifty years after the
march, and 45 years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, major banks
still discriminate on the basis of race through predatory practices and lending
activities. For example, an investigation into the nation’s largest home mortgage
lender, found that the bank charged higher fees and rates to more than
30,000 minority borrowers across the country than they had to white borrowers
who posed the same credit risk. Another concern related to housing can be seen
when you look at the population in homeless shelters. African Americans make up
40 percent of the population living in homeless shelters, while comprising of only
13 percent of the U.S. population.
The inequality extends
to other areas of financial security – including other types of assets and
income. In the last 30 years, there has been no significant progress in closing
the gap between the income of African Americans or Hispanics and white
Americans. In 2011, the median income for African American families was $40,495,
just 58 percent of the median income of white families. By 2009, the median
wealth of white families was 20 times that of African American families. The
Great Recession also had a disproportionate impact on African Americans—the median
wealth among African American households dropped by 53 percent between 2005 and
2009, and the poverty rate increased to 27.6 percent by 2011, 3 times the poverty
rate for white households that year at 9.8 percent. About 65 percent of African-American
children live in low-income families—45 percent of which live in communities
with concentrated poverty, as opposed to 12 percent for white children. Living
in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty can significantly impact the lives of
children and their families. Concentrated
poverty is closely linked with many social and economic challenges, including
behavioral problems in young children, higher crime rates, and environmental
hazards that impact health.
Discrimination is
also still prevalent in the job market. Research shows that applicants with “African
American sounding” names get 50 percent fewer calls for interviews, and are twice
as likely to be unemployed. In 2012,
the African American unemployment rate was 14.0 percent, 2.1 times the white
unemployment rate at 6.6 percent, and even higher than the national unemployment
rate during the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939 (13.1 percent).
Despite being the
land of opportunity, many young children growing up in America are dependent on
their parents’ income and education to determine the probability of their
success into adulthood. Unfortunately, discrimination and lack of education and
job opportunity is often persistent from one generation to the next, which
limits the opportunities for improving future outcomes. The good news is –
there are ways for public policy to begin to address the inequities that still
exist. In keeping with the progress that has already been made, improving equitable
access to decent housing, maintaining high-quality, integrated education, creating
opportunities for equitable early childhood initiatives and creating a federal
jobs program for full employment are all policy options aimed at advancing equity.
To read the report on The Unfinished March by the Economic
Policy Institute, click here.
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