Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New on! Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

Preventing child abuse requires a multi-generation approach that supports parents, addresses developmental needs, and reaches families long before they come in contact with the child welfare system.  

As a part of its commitment to building strong and stable families, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) has developed a new section on  PolicyforResults that focuses specifically on preventing child abuse and neglect, which includes facts, data and strategies to support  states in preventing child abuse and neglect by ensuring that children are able to thrive in safe and stable homes. The site also features two new videos:
  • An overview of CSSP’s Strengthening Families initiative, which encourages building protective factors in families
  • The story of how Kansas uses the Strengthening Families approach at the state and community levels
Both videos were made possible through CSSP’s partner, Kansas Strengthening Families Plan

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