Friday, December 11, 2009

Job Training in a Jobless Recovery: Training for What?

Another excellent piece on Spotlight on Poverty comes from Bob Giloth and Maureen Conway. They present the challenges to job training progams in this economy: where will programs find jobs for their trainees? One of the ways to address this challenge is through sector-based training programs, citing recent research that found
workers trained in such sector-based approaches earned more money and were more likely to remain employed than similar workers not chosen for the programs.
Many of these employees were young, poor, African-American or Latino—among the groups hit hardest by unemployment. They go on to remind the White House, along with the rest of us, that
the chief lesson of the sector-based approach: the best money is spent training for a job that’s waiting to be filled.
For state policies to promote sector-based job training.

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