Friday, July 31, 2009
What Can States Do to Address Racial Equity in Child Welfare?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How Effective are Programs for Delinquent Girls?
This report addresses the following questions: 1. What efforts, if any, hasFor policies to reduce juvenile detention.
OJJDP made to assess the effectiveness of girls' delinquency programs? 2. To
what extent are OJJDP's efforts to assess girls' delinquency programs consistent
with generally accepted social science standards and the internal control
standard to communicate with external stakeholders? 3. What are the findings
from OJJDP's efforts to assess the effectiveness of girls' delinquency programs,
and how, if at all, does OJJDP plan to address the findings from these efforts?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Does a Child's Neighborhood Impact Economic Mobility?

Monday, July 27, 2009
Academy for State Policymakers on Safely Reducing Foster Care
Friday, July 24, 2009
e-Government, the Trend Continues
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Home Foreclosures Hit Record, States Are Finding Ways to Help

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cost of Child Care Continues to Grow
(Hat tip to Connect for Kids)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Assets and Opportunities Scorecard, How Does Your State Rank?

Monday, July 20, 2009
Reforming the Child Welfare System
Friday, July 17, 2009
Addressing Racial Disparities in Foster Care
This month's Judges' Page, a newsletter produced by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and the National CASA Association examines the role of the courts and provides examples of court efforts to reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare.
NCJFCJ recognizes that judges, through their decisions, affect the daily lives of the hundreds of thousands of children and families that walk into the nation’s courtrooms. Leadership from the bench must be bold and courageous in bringing the issues of disproportionality to the forefront. Judges must examine personal beliefs and biases and engage broad-based partners in developing specific action plans designed to reduce disproportionality, with the goal of transforming practice at every level and point in the dependency, juvenile justice, domestic violence and adult criminal court systems.For policies to address racial equity in child welfare.
UPDATE: Please note that the summary of the Congressional briefing mis-identifies one state system. (Our thanks to Richard Wexler for pointing out this error!) One of the panelists, Antonia Ybarra, described her experience with the Iowa Department of Human Services not Ohio.
From her bio: Ms. Ybarra is an enrolled member of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. In addition to her work and many community activities, Ms. Ybarra is proudly raising her two grandchildren. Ms. Ybarra spent 15 months fighting to obtain custody of her son’s children from the Department of Human Services in Woodbury County, Iowa.
She shares the story of her experience to let it be known that there are serious problems with the Child Welfare System. Ms. Ybarra feels her story may have turned out differently if she was not blessed to have had a knowledgeable attorney and the support from her community, as well as her family and friends. Her message is that the system needs to make changes. Child Welfare must change the way they make decisions before children are placed in foster care instead of with their loving, capable families. She believes that there needs to be programs that will help the parents, or family members, keep children with the family. She hopes her story will help change the way the Child Welfare System impacts the lives of children and families.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
State Investements in Early Care and Education Increase Despite Budget Gaps
The National Conference of State Legislatures has just issued a report on Early Care and Education State Budget Actions for Fiscal Year 2009. The report finds that "although states began to face tough economic times as they developed FY 2009 budgets, early care and education programs continued to see some expanded investment". Additional findings included:
- Appropriations increased in all four survey categories; child care, prekindergarten, home visiting, and other early learning initiatives. Total increases were $651 million. The state general fund share was $402 million.
- Lawmakers increased support for early care and education programs even as budget gaps emerged.
- Many states that increased funding in FY 2009 also increased funding in FY 2008.
- It is uncertain if the trend toward increased investment will continue in FY 2010 Financing strategies to support early care and education.
For more on financing early care and education policies.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cash Strapped States Make Shortsighted Cuts in Juvenile Justice
In the last year, the state has cut the financing for its juvenile justice system by one-fifth, forcing 285 layoffs and the closure of several facilities, including five group homes that focused on counseling. The department has scrapped a program that helped paroled youngsters find jobs, unleashing them into a state with 11.6 percent unemployment. It has canceled state financing for 40 after-school centers for teenagers, where they get help with their homework, receive mentoring and take part in activities during hours when children are most likely to stray into trouble. It has trimmed the ranks of social workers to 20, from 36.As noted in yesterday's post, research demonstrates that the very programs being cut by states across the county can both save money now and avoid future costs. For more information on maximizing returns on investment and reducing costs by reducing detention.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
More Evidence that Alternatives to Juvenile Detention Save Money and Improve Outcomes
Over the past four years, the Redirection Program has operated at a lower cost than residential juvenile delinquency programs and has achieved better outcomes. Youth who successfully completed the Redirection Program were significantly less likely to be subsequently arrested for a felony or violent felony, adjudicated or convicted of any offense, or committed to a residential program or sentenced to prison after treatment than similar youth who successfully completed residential commitment. The Redirection Program has achieved $36.4 million in cost savings for the state since it began four years ago due to its lower operating costs compared to residential delinquency programs; the program has also achieved a cost avoidance of $5.2 million in recommitment and prison costs due to reduced recidivism by its graduates.For policies to reduce juvenile detention.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Predictors of Early Academic Success
Friday, July 10, 2009
Is a New Federal Poverty Measure Coming?
A discussion of the new poverty measure can be seen on the Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity’s webcast. Mark Greenberg of Georgetown University and the Center for American Progress, Mark Levitan of the New York City Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) and Indivar Dutta-Gupta of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support examine the need for a new federal poverty measure and discussed whether a new federal poverty measure could trigger an increase in federal government spending for aid programs aimed at low-income and poor families.
Policies to expand economic success and reduce child poverty.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What Can U.S. Policymakers Learn From Other Countries About Early Childhood Policies?
Policies to support early childhood and academic success.Despite evidence of how much the early years contribute to later health and educational attainment; there is, as yet, no clearly articulated U.S. policy on this most important period of life. There are a number of possible explanations, all of which conspire to limit progress on early childhood policy in the United States-
- Much of children’s well-being depends on circumstances within the home, and typically, these have not been an incitement to government intervention.
- Existing government programs that serve young children utilize a deficit model, are marginally funded, and operate in a maze of local, state, and nationalfunding streams, with little communication or coordination across health, education, and social services sectors.
- Measures of what constitutes high-quality care for young children are insufficient and require further development. The least tangible aspects of caregiving that are most difficult to measure—mutual trust, positive affect, nurturance, responsiveness—are likely to be most important for the child’s long-term well-being.
The U.S. is not the only country to struggle with early childhood policy directions. England, Canada, and Australia all started with similarly fragmented early childhood services, a penchant for market-based solutions, and a desire to limit reliance on the welfare state. Families in each of these countries are facing similar pressures resulting from long hours at work, irregular work schedules, and limited child care options. This report describes components of each country’s efforts to respond to the importance of the early years and to develop policies that they hope will produce lasting gains for their youngest citizens. It also considers the implications of their experiences for the development of early childhood policy in the U.S.
(Hat tip to Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families.)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
States and the Federal Government Team Up on Job Training
Instead of sending discouraged workers out to pound the pavement, states are using existing federal and state resources, boosted by $4 billion in stimulus funds, to help prepare workers for the kind of jobs expected to open up when the economy improves.In addition to stimulus money, the federal Departments of Labor and Education have joined together to promote education grants for the unemployed through a new website called Opportunity.gov and provided an online resource for all state "one stop" employment shops for training, unemployment benefits and assistance with accessing the new education grants. Policies to support job training.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why Policymakers Want to Extend Foster Care to Age 21
Monday, July 6, 2009
Measuring Outcomes for Children
- What are the opportunities for developing more effective program design and service integration through performance monitoring?
- How can monitoring practices across sectors support fiscal responsibility?
- Where do federal and state policies on performance measurement converge or diverge?
- How can a child development perspective enable all sectors to identify outcomes and monitor progress?
For more on Results Based Public Policy
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Blog Archive
- What Can States Do to Address Racial Equity in Chi...
- How Effective are Programs for Delinquent Girls?
- Does a Child's Neighborhood Impact Economic Mobility?
- Academy for State Policymakers on Safely Reducing ...
- e-Government, the Trend Continues
- Home Foreclosures Hit Record, States Are Finding W...
- Cost of Child Care Continues to Grow
- Assets and Opportunities Scorecard, How Does Your ...
- Reforming the Child Welfare System
- Addressing Racial Disparities in Foster Care
- State Investements in Early Care and Education Inc...
- Cash Strapped States Make Shortsighted Cuts in Juv...
- More Evidence that Alternatives to Juvenile Detent...
- Predictors of Early Academic Success
- Is a New Federal Poverty Measure Coming?
- What Can U.S. Policymakers Learn From Other Countr...
- States and the Federal Government Team Up on Job T...
- Why Policymakers Want to Extend Foster Care to Age 21
- Measuring Outcomes for Children